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The Extra Mile - The Official Charity Miles Podcast

Nov 22, 2019

On this episode of The Extra Mile Podcast, I finish up the last of our 2019 New York City Marathon series on a walk with my new friend Bishoy Tadros. Bishoy ran the marathon for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society with a goal of raising 100K for the organization. He has run multiple marathons, triathlons, and even written a book. But his greatest feat is beating Leukemia as a child, including needing brain surgery at 13 years old.

Bishoy was born in Egypt and diagnosed with Leukemia at 3 years old. Upon receiving his diagnosis his parents quickly packed up their home and emigrated to the US with the hopes of finding the best possible treatment for Bishoy. 

Growing up as a sick child in a foreign country was really hard for young Bishoy. He never felt like he fit in in any capacity. As a result, he developed a mindset and mantra that would carry him through his loneliest times, through graduating from college in the midst of the 2009 financial crisis and wanting to work in banking, and through completing his first triathlon despite hating swimming and cycling on a hybrid bike. His mantra? Break barriers.

Bishoy’s heart for what he does is genuine and pure. So much so, that when he decided to run his first marathon and chose the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society as his charity, he had never shared his story. He had never felt his story was special, it was just his life. He was doing it all for himself. 

But with a push from his mentor, he began to share his story and set a fundraising goal far beyond what he thought he could reach. 

I’m always interested in hearing what it is that gets people to raise money for charities. I want to understand the mindset so that I can support it better when I meet people who are resistant to fundraising. So I really wanted to pick Bishoy’s brain about his mental journey from setting an original goal of $3,000 to his current one of $100K. 

His story is truly inspiring, and I hope that in listening to it, some of you who might be hesitant about sharing your story or asking your friends to support a cause will get the push you need to get out there and be shameless. You never know who is listening. And you never know who will be willing to support.

I want to shout out our friends at The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for introducing me to Bishoy. And, of course, to Bishoy himself for taking some time to share his story with the world.  

#EveryMileMatters #BreakBarriers